The role of the microbiome presented at Precision Nutrition Forum
On 13 September Professor Fredrik Bäckhed presented "The metabolic role and therapeutic potential of the microbiome in cardiometabolic disease" as part of the 1st Edition of Precision Nutrition Forum. The Forum was held at the Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, 12-13 September.
The goal of the Precision Nutrition Forum, 1st edition – Gothenburg was to bring together interdisciplinary expertise in nutritional epidemiology, high-throughput omics technologies (genomics, metabolomics, metagenomics, and proteomics), and data science and present the latest concepts and advances in precision nutrition research. The Forum gathered world-leading multi-omics and precision nutrition experts from Europe and the US, with the goal of fostering international collaboration through the Swedish cohort infrastructures and the national Data-Driven Life Science initiative (DDLS).